This post will describe you the various functions that are present in the Buzzler Theme main menu. The menu is located in the wp admin area, at the top most position of the left hand menu (right hand for arabic wordpress). You can see below the main menu look, and explore the various functions.


Site Summary

In this menu you will find some super basic information about the number of the listings in your website, the number of registered users, the closed and active listings, and also is reserved for future more sophisticated info, which we plan to add in the future, or whatever we can think of for the next update.

General Settings


In this main menu you will find a lot of settings that concern the basic functioning of Buzzler theme. You will find settings for the main menu slider, for the listing periods, for the admin approval of listings, and many others. A more detailed explanation will be found in the actual menu itself, where each menu item, has a question mark icon, and hovering your mouse on it will bring a short description about what that setting does.

Email Settings


This menu item, is pretty much self explanatory. You will find here all the various email templates: for users signing up, for posting a listing, and others. All these templates can be translated and they also come with basic shortcodes, so you can put the variables (like username, listing title, links) wherever you want in the actual text template of the email thats getting sent.

Pricing Settings


On the Pricing Settings page, you will find the settings for changing the site’s currency (our theme supports the most important currencies) and also a few settings, about the decimal separator (comma or point) and other settings.

Custom Fields


You can define custom fields here for your listings. For example if you have a restaurant website, you can add a Yes/No field for WiFi Internet or anything like that. These fields will appear in the listings page and also in the advanced search page.

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