Today, 25th of April 2012 we launched a new update of our auction theme. See a list of the fixes and features we added to this minor update. You will find the new version in your customer account. If you havent purchased the auction theme yet, you can purchase today or by buying the SiteMile Club Membership.

Fixes & Added Features

  • Feature added: enable or disable e-wallet(credits) feature from admin side
  • Feature added: enable or disable escrow and deposit function from admin side
  • Feature added: all featured auctions menu item added
  • Feature added: percent or flat fee taken from each sale
  • Feature added: users can now delete their private messages
  • Feature added: deposit bonus for all deposits over X amount
  • Bug Fixed: Missing currency sign in payment email
  • Bug Fixed: deposit credits error wrong display
  • Bug Fixed: grammar fixes over the auction single page
  • Bug Fixed: remove white borders on the search button
  • Bug Fixed: email templates default tags fixed
  • Bug Fixed: logo “alt” property is now the description of the site

Files Affected by the Update

  • AuctionTheme/post-new.php
  • AuctionTheme/auction.php
  • AuctionTheme/functions.php
  • AuctionTheme/style.css
  • AuctionTheme/lib/sql.php
  • AuctionTheme/lib/advanced-search.php
  • AuctionTheme/lib/my-account.php
  • AuctionTheme/lib/admin-menu.php
  • AuctionTheme/lib/gateways/adaptive-paypal-auction.php
  • AuctionTheme/header-area.php
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