The article will show the difference shopify vs woocommerce. And when you want an ecommerce website these days you have so many options that you dont know what you choose. And one of the most important and most famous options are shopify and woocommerce. Two systems which almost do the same thing but they are fundamentally different. While shopify is a hosted and proprietary solution , the woocommece approach is one you host yourself and you own your site entirely.
What is shopify and why to use it ?
Shopify is a service, a hosted service offered by a private company where they offer you an e-commerce website. And they offer it ready to go. The issue here is that you cannot control the code behind the site, and while they do offer a lot of customisation options, you will not get the high level of customisation if you would have a custom made website.
Shopify is very good for a beginner and you would be very good with it if you are looking for low customisation and fast deployment.
What is woocommerce and why should you use it ?
Woocommerce is an open source WordPress plugin which lets you launch your own auction site. And the good thing is that you can control all backend, programming code, database content and you can hire a web design agency to do custom work on it and also add more features as you wish.