hello guys,

we are pleased to announce that we have made a new great update on our loved WordPress Freelancer Theme, bringing new design and new features to the market. We have made a great improvement on the design of the theme, and have a bunch of new features that will add even more value to the already great app we have. See below a list of features and fixes, and also a list of modified files. You will also find instructions on how to update from previous versions

List of added features:

– upgraded to the latest bootstrap version v4.4
– great new design
– revamping account area/dashboard
– updates to the main extensions/plugins (membership/services/milestones)
– new extension for notification center (facebook like type of notifications)

List of modified files:

– style.css
– functions.php
– header.php
– * all the rest of the files in the main folder
– lib/* (all files and folders in this one)

How to upgrade to this version:

1. download the theme from your account in sitemile.com
2. either unzip the files and upload via ftp/cpanel, overwriting the files in the project theme
3. or just deactivate the current theme (then delete it), and then upload the new theme and activate

You should not edit the project theme directly, and use a child theme, because when updating through these methods, will wipe down your changes done to the files.

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