landing pages

When it comes to landing pages, the conversion rate means everything. We are trying in this article to give you some good advice on the best landing pages, that convert. So the conversion rate is very important in any business. We will explain a few design areas where you can work to create the best landing pages.

Landing page structure

The landing page structure must be very clean and very friendly to the end user. Depending on the structure of the landing page, it will determine if the page will convert or no. You have to keep the message very clear, your slogan, and sub slogan texts must be very clear. And also tell to the viewer what they can find in that page. And make sure you have a clear action button there. Like: “Buy now” or “Learn more”

Clear and not cluttered

The best and most effective advice for the best landing page layout is to build a page which is clear, short and uncluttered. And try to avoid flashy pieces of stuff those can distract your actual buyers. You can speak to a digital marketing expert to provide you with real world advice and recommend you a lot of tweaks so your page converts. It is essential to provide all the necessary details of your product or line of products. And also the information about your business.

Make it easy to convert

You have to make sure your buy now buttons, or action buttons will be easily visible and there are no blockage for the user to convert. Also simplify the checkout process with as little steps as you can. Possible maximum 2 steps. There is nothing worse than a customer deciding to buy and encountering a blockage and abandoning the shopping cart and checkout

Flawless and responsive design

These days mobile phones are used a lot, so having your landing page showing well on mobile phones is key here. Best landing pages that convert are mobile responsive. And users will have a pleasant experience on mobile too. So make sure your pages are responsive and show well on any mobile phone and screen.

What to use to build landing pages ?

You can use wordpress cms, because that is free and open source. There are a lot of free themes out there that can help you and free page builders. Of course the best things you can use are paid themes, but free themes can do at first. Also if you have no idea on what to do when you build it, you can get development services from us.


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