When you need to build a classified ads website, its clear that you need either a classified script php or a classified ads template. We have established that you can launch your own classified ads site or classified directory with the help of wordpress and the classified ads theme. We even have written a complete article about launching a classified site in 45 minutes or less. You should check that article and get the theme and start working on it. But what if you need a simple classified ads template just for the html or bootstrap part?  We are trying to explain how and why you should get our theme and strip the html out.

classified ads template

Need a classified ads template or bootstrap ?

Its already known that our classified theme can help you create a fully featured classified ads website or directory listing site. But if you need just the template and to be bootstrap based, then you can simply get the theme and manage to strip the html out. Our classified theme is bootstrap based and its perfect for this purpose. Classified ads website design has never been easier with our classified theme

Is the classified ads website source code included ?

Yes we do have the complete source code included in whatever package you buy from us. You can check the packages we offer in the classified ads theme pricing list. And yes, the php classified source code is accessible to you and you can modify it however you want for your customer ‘s projects. And it comes even with the Classified script with mobile app. As we offer the mobile apps for android and ios in the entrepreneur packages.

Buy and Sell Android App ? Can it be used like this ?

Yes it can be a buy and sell app, or script. And since we have a mobile app option then yes you can use this as a marketplace for buyers and sellers. And if you need customisation work done, we offer any type of modification or addition. Just reach to us and we will give you a price quote.

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