This post will explain in detail the schedule of updates for this month, and what you can expect on new releases as well. We have exciting news on the updates for our current themes and launching the new themes and also our future plans for the next period.

Auction Theme v4.4.9.0

After the easter period, which was full for all of us, with holidays and chill time, now we got back to work and we are hoping we can deliver our usual scheduled weekly and monthly updates for all our themes. First is the Auction Theme, which during the last few months has improved a lot. Not only was the first theme for hosting auction or a reverse auction, but is the best also. The new update we are expecting by end of April will show the hard work we have spent in the last weeks and the effort we put in this theme.

Even though the theme comes packed with so many features, the prices will not rise for new customers. Also the existing customers have free updates and will be able to receive this update free of charge. We are however spending time to modify our club membership subscription payment, which now consists on a 259$ single payment, and making it a 199$ payment then 10-15$ monthly payments. This will be to sustain our continuous effort on updates for the current themes and future themes release.

Pricerr Theme v1.1.8.0

Our loved micro job or micro task theme, the Pricerr Theme, will also receive a new update this month. After a long wait, we finally have the theme totally bug free and fluent. And we are happy to let you know the people that are using it are really making money with it. Its the only wordpress theme for micro jobs in the world. And making it the best of course.

DirectoryMarket Theme v1.0.2.0

The new business directory listing theme for wordpress, called DirectoryMarket, is getting finally its stable release this month. With a bunch of options and features, the theme has a perfect integration with the wordpress core. We come from a long road with the classified theme (listing theme) and we think our directory theme for wordpress is the best on the market, since we have the right skill and experience in working with listing type of websites.

The professional and clean design, and the simple yet powerful admin interface makes the DirectoryMarket the best business directory listing theme on the market. Also the very attractive price (69$ starter package) makes it even more accessible for a wider range of customers.

JobMarket Theme v1.0.1.0

JobMarket, our new job board theme, is getting launched by end of April as well. We spent a bit more time on perfecting this theme than we first announced. We know we are a few weeks late on this new theme but we think it was well worth it. Again as the directory theme, JobMarket comes with a big variety of features and coming at the right price, $69 (starter version) makes it the best and first choice for the job board software out there.

So what are the plans for the future?

Well, there are big stuff happening by the summer. First is the launch of a new theme, called TaskerDev, which will be a combination of pricerr theme and the project theme. The users will be able to request micro tasks, as well as post micro tasks. Is just like a freelancer site, with people posting projects, but with also the ability to post tasks that can be done in exchange of a fixed price.

Another theme we are preparing is the BugKiller Theme. This will be just a bug tracker, a SVN tool if you want. With a nice clean and very simple interface will be the perfect solution for the small and medium offices on keeping track of their product issues. Also another theme will be a hotel booking theme and a fully featured real estate theme. Stay Tuned!

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