Category Archives: Mobile Apps

PWA vs. Native Apps: Head to head


In today’s mobile-first world, businesses face a crucial decision when developing mobile applications: whether to choose Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) or native apps. Both approaches have their unique advantages and drawbacks, and the right choice depends on the specific needs … Continue reading

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How to build a mobile app ? iOS And Android


Building a mobile app starts with defining goals and understanding the target audience. Key steps include creating a wireframe and selecting core functionalities. It’s important to conduct market research and consider user feedback. Forming the right development team greatly impacts … Continue reading

Posted in Android, android development, App Development, IPad, IPhone, Mobile Apps | Leave a comment

How long does it take to develop an app ?


The time required to develop an app varies depending on its complexity, features, and the size of the development team. On average, a simple mobile app can be developed in a few months, while more complex applications may take six … Continue reading

Posted in Android, App Development, Custom Web Development, IPad, IPhone, Mobile App Development, Mobile Apps | Leave a comment

How much does it cost to pay a developer to make an app?


Creating an app is an exciting venture. It can also be a costly one. Understanding the costs involved is essential. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that influence app development costs. Factors Influencing App Development Costs Several factors affect … Continue reading

Posted in Bespoke Software, Mobile App Development, Mobile Apps | Leave a comment

How to create a mobile app


You are here probably because you might want to create a mobile app for your website or business. We are offering mobile app development agency services and we can build apps from scratch. But this article is about how to … Continue reading

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Creating real native phone apps with React Native


Hello everyone, we have had an amazing last 12 months since we started producing apps for our themes, and even big custom apps for other customers (other than using our themes and systems). We are proud that we are creating … Continue reading

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How much does it cost to have a custom mobile app developed in 2021-2022


Hey guys, since we recently (for over a few months) we started deliver native phone apps, we thought to create an article explaining how we price our custom mobile apps. This little article will describe briefly what will be the … Continue reading

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Food Delivery App – customer example


Hello guys, this is a post about the process of setting up and programming a food delivery app for a company. The app (and website too if needed) will be used by couriers to deliver food within a specific country … Continue reading

Posted in Android, Blog, Informative, IPad, IPhone, Mobile Apps | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

We develop custom IPhone, IPad, Android Applications


We have great news for all our fans out there: we now got specialized in IPhone and IPad Applications and we are proud to let you know we are working on our first big IPhone application. IPhone, IPad and Android … Continue reading

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