Category Archives: WordPress Themes

How to clear cache in WordPress – Guide


Introduction Caching is a crucial technique that improves the efficiency of data retrieval, offering a seamless browsing experience by storing copies of files or web pages on the client side or server side. In WordPress, caching can significantly speed up … Continue reading

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How to edit the footer in a WordPress website


Your WordPress website’s footer is more than just a space at the bottom; it’s a crucial element that contributes to the overall user experience. Editing the footer allows you to showcase important information, enhance branding, and improve navigation. In this … Continue reading

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How to Set Up WP Mail SMTP


Introduction Setting up WP Mail SMTP is crucial for ensuring reliable email delivery on your WordPress website. The default mail functionality in WordPress can often lead to emails being marked as spam or not delivered at all. WP Mail SMTP … Continue reading

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How to keep your WordPress Website security in a top notch state


Understanding WordPress Security Ensuring your WordPress site remains secure is paramount in safeguarding your online presence against unauthorized access and potential threats. Understanding WordPress security means recognizing the importance of protecting your site from vulnerabilities and attacks that could compromise … Continue reading

Posted in Web Agency, Web Development, Website Redesign, Wordpress agency, WordPress Hosting, WordPress Themes | Leave a comment

How to Build a Custom WordPress Website: The Ultimate Guide 2024


In this article we will dissect the problem of building a custom wordpress website. So if you are on the lookout for a custom wordpress website, then this is the guide to find out what the process is. And we … Continue reading

Posted in Website Redesign, Wordpress agency, wordpress developer, Wordpress Security, WordPress Themes | Leave a comment

How to create an ecommerce website with WordPress ?


Let’s face it, when you have some services or products to sell, you immediately think of selling online. And for that you will need an ecommerce website. But there are so many possibilities, and one of them is WordPress. And … Continue reading

Posted in Building Websites, Custom Web Development, Development Work, ecommerce, Woocommerce, wordpress developer, WordPress Themes | Leave a comment

How much should I charge to build a website as a freelancer?


As a freelance web developer, determining the right price for your services can be a challenging task. Setting a fair and competitive rate is crucial for both attracting clients and ensuring your financial success. 1. Consider Your Experience Level When … Continue reading

Posted in Custom Web Development, Website Redesign, Wordpress agency, wordpress developer, WordPress Themes | Leave a comment

How much does a WordPress designer cost?


How much does a WordPress designer cost? The cost of WordPress website design hinges on the approach you take—whether your business opts for in-house design, engages a freelance designer, or collaborates with a web design agency. In-house design can range … Continue reading

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Is WordPress good for website development?


Is WordPress good for website development Yes, wordpress is good for Web development. Because wordPress is a robust platform for website development, offering extensive themes and plugins, making it highly customizable. It’s user-friendly, SEO-friendly, and has a strong community support, … Continue reading

Posted in Web Agency, web application development, Web Design, Web Development, Wordpress agency, wordpress developer, WordPress Themes | Leave a comment

What should be included in a small business website?


For a small business, a website is more than just a digital presence; it’s a powerful tool for growth and customer engagement. Within the first few seconds of landing on your site, visitors should understand who you are, what you … Continue reading

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