If you want to launch a classified ads website you have to know a few things. First of all, a classified ads website will imply you to have some hosting and a domain name. After you got those, you have to set your niche. And then you will need to understand the types of software you can use. We will explain all types, but we really want to emphasise wordpress as the best solution.

classified ads theme

What is a classified ads website ?

If you have heard about craigslist then you most likely know what a classified ads website. If not, we will try to explain in short. A classified ads website in short, is a website where people list their stuff for sale. Other people see them, and get into contact with them to buy or exchange them. We will discuss below how to use wordpress to launch a classified ads website.

There are other important aspects of a classified ads website too, like:

  • allow users to list ads with a free account
  • charge users for listing an ad (monetisation fee)
  • charge the users to buy a lead (buy the contact details of the person posting the ad)
  • provide a fully featured dashboard for the customer and seller
  • private messaging or chat feature for the user
  • easy admin tools
  • manage everything from admin area
  • excelent SEO capability
  • support with major page builders
  • ability to upload photos and videos for your ads
  • customise categories from the backend

How we can use wordpress to launch a classified ads website ?

First of all, wordpress is a great cms and on top of that is free as well. You will get it for free and install in your host. If you want to know how to build a website using wordpress follow this article. You are almost good to go except you need a theme for this.

A theme is the core engine of any wordpress website. A theme can give you functionality and design or looks. So you would need a classified ads theme to build the classified ads website. We are offering our WordPress Classified Ads theme, which has all those features and even more.


It seems what wordpress is the best choice when it comes to any type of website because is easy to setup, easy to use, you find lots of resources, find great themes. So we really think that using wordpress alongside with our classified ads theme , can create a great classified ads website for your MVP or idea.

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