The topic for today is if you can make money with a classified ads website ? The definite answer is yes, you can do money with a classified ads website. And lots of it. You will need to launch a classified ads website, maybe a national one, or a local classified ads website. Whatever your idea is, the process of launching a classified ads website is about the same. We will explain below what are the steps to launch a classifieds site and how to monetise it and ultimately make lots of money. Mainly you will need to first search for a classified website template and then install. About installing we have detailed more here.

The wordpress classified theme front page:

wordpress classified ads theme

What is a classifieds website and how we can use it ?

A classified website is a website where people list their stuff for sale. Other users will search through an advanced search page, the objects they want, and contact the seller. From there depending on the website, they will have an option to call the seller, or communicate through private messaging. On some they even can buy online through the site, or order the object with verified shipping methods. The one where they open the package before paying, on delivery.

To create a classified website you can use a wordpress ad listing theme or a wordpress classified theme as many people call it. We sell the wordpress classified theme and more details can be found on the ad listing template page. If you want a wordpress classified theme with app then you are in the correct spot, as we offer a native phone app too. And we have an article about classified ads software too.

How can we monetise the wordpress classified theme ?

Our classified ads theme comes with many monetisation tools and you can easily make money out of your classified ads website. You can charge for listing of the ad, feature the ad listing, charge for ads within your site and so on. Even it has a verified profile badge fee that you can charge users.

Which is the best classifieds site?

There are so many classifieds websites out there that is very hard to define which one is the best. There are classified ads for automobiles, for real estate, for jobs and so on. So its all about the niche and type of the site.

Is the wordpress classified theme free ?

The wordpress classified theme isnt free, and that is a good thing because anything that is free will not have a great support. Most of the free classified ads scripts are having zero support from the team that did build it. And that is pretty normal. You cannot expect support from something that you downloaded for free. Because this isnt a good solution, you will be glad to have a paid theme that actually has great support, like our theme has.


Making money online is sometimes an easy thing and sometimes a very hard thing to do. But making money with a classified ads will be much easier if you have your own site. And launching a classified ads website has never been easier when working with wordpress and the classified ads theme.

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