WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

Freelancer Theme Coming Update v4.5

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys, we are announcing a new significant update (more in design) of our loved freelancer marketplace theme. The update, we hope to be released sometime in december 2020. See below a sneak peak of our newest update:

WordPress Microjob Theme update – pricerr version

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we have released another update for our loved microjobs theme, pricerr theme, after a period where we have released several smaller updates. The last few updates we did for this theme, bring up a lot of optimizations, and … Continue reading

Food Delivery App – customer example

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys, this is a post about the process of setting up and programming a food delivery app for a company. The app (and website too if needed) will be used by couriers to deliver food within a specific country … Continue reading

Project Theme Update v4.2.4

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys has been a while since we havent released an update (3 weeks, :D) and now since we have worked very hard in past few weeks, we are pleased to let you know we have released another update on … Continue reading

Microjob Pricerr theme use case: instagram and youtube influencers marketplace setup

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello guys, today we are presenting a use case for our microjob pricerr theme that we custom made for a customer of ours. Its about creating a marketplace for instagram influencers, where users/influencers can post their services to attract companies … Continue reading

Microjob Pricerr theme update v6.3.3.7

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello community, we are pleased to let you know we have just released another update of our pricerr wordpress microjob theme, which makes it even more stable than it was before and also more refined than ever before. It is … Continue reading