WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

Project Freelancer Theme updated v3.1.4

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we have released a small update for our wordpress freelancer project theme, which includes a few optimisations and bug fixes. See below a list of changed files and also fixes and optimisations that were applied. Fixes: – optimisations … Continue reading

Pricerr Theme update v6.0.2

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello we have released a new small update for our great pricerr micro job wordpress theme. We have applied various fixes and optimizations to it, and we continue with great pace of releases and soon we will have more than … Continue reading

Project Freelancer Theme update on Memberships Plugin v1.6

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we have just updated the memberships plugin for our project theme, and gave it more features and more interesting behaviour. Here is a list of additions we done for the new update 1. added 4 packages for freelancer … Continue reading

ProjectTheme update v3.1.2 and Live Chat Plugin update, Stripe Plugin update

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello, we have a new update on our freelanccer project theme, which solves some issues and brings some new optiomizations to the code and design. See below a list of changes and modified files Features & Changes – fixed bugs … Continue reading

PricerrTheme microjob theme update v6.0 launched

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we are proud to present you the all new pricerr theme update! After 4-5 months of work, we are finally releasing the long awaited update which will make pricerr theme the best microjob theme for wordpress out there. … Continue reading

WordPress Microjob pricerr theme update launches in a few days

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys, we are almost there, just a few more days for testing and we should be releasing the most important update for the pricerr theme that we did in the past few years. There will be a ton of … Continue reading