WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

Preparing for next week’s Pricerr Theme launch

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

here are a little more preview screens of the new upcoming update which will be great

Releasing wordpress auction theme this month v7.0

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

We are pleased to let you know, this month we are finally releasing the long waited update for our auction theme v7.0 which will bring a lot of features and additions. Also this update totally re writes the auction theme … Continue reading

WordPress Pricerr Theme release this month v5.0

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

We are preparing to release the new pricerr theme this month. The new version will be completely new. We have written this from scratch. The update will be available to members in about 2 weeks or so (this time is … Continue reading

More information on the Pricerr Theme microjob theme update

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys, see below the work we did for the pricerr theme update. We really hope at the end of the month to release the final version of this. Meanwhile, see a few screenshots:

Work continues on the Auction Theme update v7.0

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

We are making daily progress on the new update for the wordpress auction theme we are planning to launch in the next 2 weeks. See below even more screenshots. Also each customer will have their seller area and shopping area, … Continue reading

More information about the auction theme update

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

We are still working on the auction theme update, and we are pretty sure that we will release it in mid-july 2019. See below a few screenshots around the new update. We have redesigned from scratch every little bit of … Continue reading