WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

Launching Auction Theme v7.0

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys, we are very close to launch the new version of the auction theme at end of this month. The new version was completely rewritten from ground up, with better and more robust features, which will make this auction … Continue reading

Launching project freelancer theme child themes package

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello today we are releasing some new exciting features for our project freelancer theme. Along with new great features, we have released the child themes package which gives the possibility to our customers to have different looks and design for … Continue reading

Shipme Theme update v2.2.2

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello guys, we have launched a new update on the shipme theme that solves a lot of the previous issues and also solves some layout bugs and many improvements since the update we released last month. For a complete list … Continue reading

WordPress Freelancer Theme update v.

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello guys, we are happy to announce you that we have released a new update on our freelancer project theme for wordpress. We have made some small improvements and we are constantly improving the quality of our system. See below … Continue reading

WordPress Pricerr Theme update v6.2.2

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello guys, we have updated our micro job pricerr theme to a new version. The new update brings more optimisations and small bug fixes. You can see a list of things that were changed/added/fixed and also a list of files … Continue reading

Microjob Pricerr Theme Update v.6.2.1

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello, we have released a new version of our microjob pricerr theme, in which we solved a few of the issues, and also added new features. To see a list of things that were fixed or added, and a list … Continue reading