WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

WordPress v3.6 and other updates

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys its been a few weeks since out last post, but this only because we were so busy with great updates that are coming away in the next weeks. We are also preparing some new cool themes, and also … Continue reading

Walleto Marketplace Theme Launched Today

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Howdy people, We have the great pleasure to introduce you to our newest and greatest wordpress theme up to now! The theme is called Walleto, and is a premium wordpress theme that transforms your blog website into a marketplace website. … Continue reading

ProjectTheme Update Released v1.3.9

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello Guys after a few weeks of work we have finally released the new version of our WordPress Project Bidding Theme, the v1.3.9 version. Along with this new update we have eliminated a lot of the issues and glitches of … Continue reading

WordPress Auction Theme update v4.5.4

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys after a few months since our last major update, we have decided its time for a new major update of our most loved theme, the WordPress Auction Theme. This new version truly makes the Auction Theme stand out … Continue reading

Taskerdev – Service and Task Marketplace Theme for WordPress officially launched

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello dear members and guests, we are pleased to let you know that after a few months of intense work we are finally launching the Taskerdev Task and Service Marketplace Theme for WordPress. Its an unique theme type, never seen … Continue reading

Project Theme new update v1.3.8

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello to everyone we are pleased today to let you know we have launched a new update of our loved, WordPress Project Bidding Theme, the version 1.3.8. The new update brings a few security fixes, more solid compatibility with the … Continue reading