WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

How to create a craigslist clone website

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Do you need a craigslist clone website ? If you want to build some websites like Craigslist, or basically a craigslist clone, then you are in the right place. Because in this article will explain how to build a craigslist … Continue reading

Classified Ads Template

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

When you need to build a classified ads website, its clear that you need either a classified script php or a classified ads template. We have established that you can launch your own classified ads site or classified directory with … Continue reading

How to monetise a classified directory website

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

When it comes to websites these days, we think the most wide spread type of site is a marketplace or a listing type of website. Where people meet on the site to buy or sell something. Almost every one wants … Continue reading

WordPress how to edit header

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

In this wordpress tutorial post you will find out how to edit the header in your wordpress blog. You can customise the standard options in your wordpress blog like the logo , menus and colors. And even the site title … Continue reading

WordPress How to set Homepage

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

In this article we will learn how to set homepage in your wordpress blog. And this will be an extremely fast and straight to the point tutorial. Just follow the content below to find out how to set homepage for … Continue reading

All about online auctions.

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hi there! You are here probably because you want to know all about online auctions. We are here to explain what are online auctions, how to start an online auction, who can start an auction, and more important what are … Continue reading