WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

WordPress Auction Theme update v4.7.0

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we have recently slightly updated our loved Auction Theme with a few new cool features and with some fixes to make it compatible to wordpress 3.9.2 latest update. Also this page is a change-log for the current update. … Continue reading

WordPress Project Theme update v2.0.4

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys, we are pleased to inform you about the latest update of our project theme released. We have integrated a few small fixes and compatibility is ensured with the latest wordpress version 3.9.2 These new changes we have added … Continue reading

WordPress Project Theme update v2 (2.0.3)

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys, we are pleased to inform you that we finally have the big update for our great project theme released. It has a new layout, and more modern looks. Also we have improved a bit each and every aspect … Continue reading

Walleto Theme Update Released v1.1.8

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we are happy to announce that we have released a new version of the marketplace Walleto Theme, and we are happy to say, that most of the past issues have been fixed. Its true that it took quite … Continue reading

Affiliate Commissions rate are increasing to 40%

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we have studied the market during the past months and we have decided that a good idea for the next period is to increase the commission rates for our affiliates to 40%. We are aiming to reward our … Continue reading

WordPress new version 3.9 working well with sitemile themes

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Howdy guys, we are happy to announce that we have installed latest wordpress version 3.9, and we have made the needed changes for our themes to make them run smoothly with the new wp update. Also we are working on … Continue reading