WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

How to add and sell bid tokens in the Auction Theme

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

This article contains an explanation on how you can add and sell bid tokens in the auction theme for wordpress. With the pro version of our auction theme, you will be able to define token packages, which users can buy … Continue reading

WordPress Auction Theme Updated v7.2.2.3

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Amazing news: our auction theme just got updated! Do you know that you can launch your own auction website within minutes ? Yes you can do that with our amazing wordpress auction theme. We have just released another update on … Continue reading

Best Multi-Vendor WordPress Theme for Marketplaces in 2023 [updated]

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

You are here probably because you want to create a multi vendor marketplace website. Well, this article will show you which is the best multi-vendor wordpress theme for marketplaces in 2022 and beyond. So lets dive in and find out … Continue reading

How to create a website like Fiverr using WordPress in 2023 ?

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Before the pandemic, the popularity of services websites like Fiverr, guru, upwork.com, freelancer.com and other sites like that was high , but this has grown over the pandemic even more. So you are here because you want to build websites … Continue reading

The Best WordPress Theme to Launch a Job Portal Website

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

In the past few years the job recruiting industry has gained a lot of traction and there are more and more job recruitment websites and services, and the demand for jobs has increased a lot. In this article we want … Continue reading

The Best WordPress Hosting in Australia

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Do you want to launch a website in Australia ? Or more on the subject, do you want to start a wordpress site in Australia? If the answer is yes, then you really need a hosting space. So we are … Continue reading