WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

Microjob Pricerr Theme update v.6.1.8

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello guys we are happy to announce you that we just released a new update on our microjob wordpress theme. This version makes our theme much more solid, and brings a lot of fixes and optimizations, plus a few new … Continue reading

WordPress Freelancer Theme update v.

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Here is a small blog post about our most recent update of the project freelancer theme. See the details below of what was changed, and what is the list of changed files. Changes/Fixes – optimisations on the css code – … Continue reading

Freelancer Project Theme update v.

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

hello, we just released a small update on our freelancer project theme with a few fixes and optimisations. Please find below the list of changes, and the list of modified files since the last version: Changes/Fixes – optimisations on the … Continue reading

Microjob Pricerr Theme update v.6.1.5

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello guys we have released recently another update on our microjob wordpress theme, the pricerr theme. The new update contains a lot of fixes and optimsiations, plus we released updates for some of our extensions. To see a list of … Continue reading

WordPress Pricerr Microjob Theme update v.6.1.3 released

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello we have released a new update of our pricerr theme which includes a few new features and some fixes and optimisations. We constantly are doing updates to keep these themes up to date and working in a mint and … Continue reading

Freelancer Project Theme update v4.0.8.4

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello, we have just released a small incremental update of the wordpress freelancer project theme. Below you will find a list of things that were changed or fixed and a list of files that were modified in this update. You … Continue reading