WordPress Knowledge Base and Resources

Get the first image from a wordpress post and display it

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Here you have a function which gets you the first image from a wordpress post. The whole point of this piece of code is to make it easier for people to retrieve images from their posts. If you want to … Continue reading

AuctionTheme Update v4.1

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hello to everyone, Just wanted to let you know all we have been updated the Auction Theme to version 4.1 with great new features and lots of bug fixes. Here is a list of the new stuff that is already … Continue reading

Why choose WordPress for my website?

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

WordPress is the most popular CMS system that is out there, and even though is more known as a blogging platform you can be amazed by the different ways you can use it to create ANY type of website. And … Continue reading

How To: Install WordPress Auction Theme

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

1.after unziping you can see you have 2 folders, plugins and themes 2.copy the themes content to your wordpress installation, in wp-content/themes/ there should be wp-content/themes/AuctionTheme/ 3.copy the plugins content to your wordpress installation, in wp-content/plugins/ 4.go to wordpress admin, … Continue reading

WordPress Classified Theme updated

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

We just released the classified theme version 5.3! We managed to bring it up to wordpress 3.0 standards. The list of the new features is not ready yet, as the list is long and i want to structure it very … Continue reading

StorePress Theme new 2.0 update

Posted on by Andrei Saioc

Hi to everyone, we are doing a great effort to improve our themes, and currently we are working on an update for the StorePress theme. We will bring it to wordpress 3.0 standards with custom post types and custom fields … Continue reading