Find out what is the best way to create a classified website with the help of a classifieds plugin or a theme using WordPress. As we dive into the article we think that the fastest way to create a classified ads website would be using a classifieds plugin for wordpress.

If you ever need to create a classifieds site, you can get in touch with us or try our classifieds WordPress theme which is even better than a plugin. And our team will be here to support you for all the steps to there.

wordpress classifieds theme plugin


When it comes to a classified ads website, the easiest way to build this kind of website is to use Classifieds plugins or wp classified themes. Because these are quite easy to use, and WordPress is also free, you will be able to get the site up within minutes or a very short amount of time. And you can create Online marketplaces that involve advertising and e-commerce behaviour. Plus on top of these you need to look for features like: listings management, user registration, seo-friendly and payment options. And it has to have mobile responsiveness. Read below to find out more about the best WordPress classifieds plugin.

Features to Look for in a Classifieds Plugin

When it comes to features the most important one is to be easy to use, and the company that sells the plugin should have great support. Along side these, you should look for a few key features that define the way your website will work. And we will take them one by one.

Listing management

The WordPress plugins that offer classifieds functionality should have a way to do listing management. And it should allow users manage their own listings inside the website. Plus it should allow the admin user to control everything related to listings from a dashboard. That way the user registration will be a useful feature too.

Customization options

Then the website should have a number of customization options like controlling the looks, the logo, the content and the images. Everything should be done with a page builder and many of these plugins support interaction with a number of page builders like elementor, divi page builder, visual composer and others. And on top of this, all options of the plugin (like pricing settings) should be customizable.

Payment options

A good website is one that generates revenue and profit. So the payment options are important when it comes to a classified listing website. That is because you can charge for listing an item, featured listing or even subscription membership. So having payment options for your users is the most important thing. And payment gateways too, like the ability to pay by credit card, or pay by stripe, or pay by Paypal, or even local gateways like Payfast (south africa) and others.

User registration and management

The classifieds plugin or the classifieds theme should allow your visitors to create their own accounts and manage their own dashboards. And along with that, the admin should be able to manage the user registrations and customer signups. Ability to suspend a user or edit the user details is imperative for the admin.

SEO-friendly features

These days one of the most important traffic sources is the organic traffic. Because that’s basically free traffic and its even very good and targeted traffic. And while you would need to hire an SEO agency to do content optimization, SEO strategy and content creation, the theme or plugin needs to be SEO optimized and SEO friendly. That means the programming or the code side of SEO should be there. So that’s why using WordPress could be a good thing, as we all know WordPress is very SEO ready.

Mobile responsiveness

Regarding mobile usage, we all know that the mobile phone usage has increased dramatically in the recent years. So having your website mobile ready and responsive is a must. And having the perfect responsive theme and plugin for creating your classifieds website should include mobile responsiveness feature. Along with this a good thing is to create a classified app too for certain businesses.

Find the Perfect WordPress Classifieds Plugin for Your Site

Building the great online marketplaces could be a challenge and an overwhelming one for many. But right now with so many options to create marketplace websites or classified ads websites, this becomes much easier. We really recommend the wordpress classifieds theme to build your next real estate classifieds website, or the next car/auto classifieds website or any type of buy or sell marketplace website. This is because our theme is so versatile and will have so many options that is easy to use it in any of these areas. Even if you are looking for woocommerce classified ads plugin, our theme still can handle all of that. Because this is the perfect alternative to listing plugin wordpress.

Find out more about creating a classified ads website with the classified ads theme. Plus we do have a more comprehensive guide to creating a classifieds ads website within 45 minutes.

More features of the plugin

User-Friendly Interface

Classified Listing is designed to provide an optimal user experience for admins, buyers, and sellers. It’s fully responsive, ensuring a smooth interface on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. The plugin supports maps to showcase the location of listings and offers a radius search function for location-based searches.

Search and Filter Functions

The plugin offers powerful search and filter functions, including Ajax search and multiple search options. Users can filter search results by custom fields, category, location, and price. The premium version includes a radius search function, enabling users to find listings near them.

Frontend User Dashboard Options

Users can control their data and listings from the frontend. They can manage their ad listings by editing, deleting, and promoting them. The plugin also allows users to manage payments and edit account information.

Admin Ad Control Options

This plugin gives the site admin extensive control over various elements and features, including Permalink control, image control, and manual or automatic approval of listings.

Location Features

With Classified Listing, admins can set up to three location levels and import location data via CSV. The plugin supports Google Maps and OpenStreet Map for displaying locations.

Payment Options

The plugin offers various payment options, including offline methods, PayPal,, Stripe, and WooCommerce payment systems in the Pro version.

Earning from Listings

Admins can monetize the site by charging for ad postings or ad promotions. Options include featured ads, pay per ad, top ads, bump-up ads, and membership packages.

Widgets and Shortcodes

Classified Listing is widget-ready and shortcode-ready, offering four widgets for categories, filters, listings, and search functions. It also provides various shortcodes for easy integration.

Multiple Map Option

The plugin supports both Google Map and OpenStreet Map, allowing radius searches and location displays.


Classified Listing is fully translatable and comes with ready translation for Spanish. It can be translated into other languages using WordPress translation plugins.

WordPress adverts plugin

When wanting to launch an advertising or listings website, or even a directory website , you will go for a WordPress adverts plugin. But our classified theme already can do what a WordPress adverts plugin will do. So if you are looking for the best wordpress ad manager plugin just get in touch with us, and we will arrange a custom website for you. Read more about classified ads software.


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